Monday, July 27, 2009

Can u get wet to straight ghd hair straightener?

which is better wet to straight hair straightener (any brand) or ghd?

Can u get wet to straight ghd hair straightener?

If you are looking for straighteners then i def recommend ghd but NEVER get wet to straight ones cause they cause so much damage. Your hair is more prone to damage when it is wet and it will end up breaking off and going fuzzy. Ideally we should not use straighteners at all, but couldn't leave the house without using mine!

Can u get wet to straight ghd hair straightener?


Can u get wet to straight ghd hair straightener?

Listen... i would die for my GHD's if they asked me to.... I have long wavy hair and from time to time, I like to straighten it... when I want to look sophisticated and not too wild. The only thing that has worked for me is the GHD's... it's like God himself invented them.

Can u get wet to straight ghd hair straightener?

yes.if you use normal ones it will knack your hair

Can u get wet to straight ghd hair straightener?

The only brand I know of that has wet to straight is Remington.

I use one, and it doesn't dry my hair like normal ones.

Can u get wet to straight ghd hair straightener?

nope you cannot. if you could i would love to have them my hair takes ages to dry :( and they would be easier and less time consuming

Can u get wet to straight ghd hair straightener?

Wet to straight hair straighteners are really bad for your hair, they knacker it up completely. Better off drying seperately then straightening.

Can u get wet to straight ghd hair straightener?

try Conair, or Remington.

Can u get wet to straight ghd hair straightener?

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Can u get wet to straight ghd hair straightener?

dry ur hair first

Can u get wet to straight ghd hair straightener?

I have a wet to dry straightener and it works very quickly and it was $25 and it works as well on wet hair and on dry hair and the last time my hair looked like it did when I first got it was when I used my friends 100 dollar straightener!

here's the brand...........Remington wet2straight......

good luck!

Can u get wet to straight ghd hair straightener?

you cant and not advisable to use on wet hair it would burn straight off no joking!! hair must be completely dry to use a ghd on, but trust me it works wonders on fuzzy hair!!

Can u get wet to straight ghd hair straightener?

they really damage your hair. i do not recommend them!

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